Hedgeman Law Firm

What Are Program-Related Investments (PRIs)?
Program-related investments are a powerful financial tool used by private foundations to support charitable organizations and advance their mission. PRIs differ from traditional grants in that they involve the use of loans, equity investments, and other financing...

Noncash Charitable Contributions: Understanding IRS Form 8283
In the landscape of charitable giving, navigating IRS requirements is paramount for individuals, partnerships, and corporations making noncash contributions. The filing of Form 8283 becomes essential when the total value of these contributions exceeds $500 within a...

Small Businesses and the Corporate Transparency Act
As we approach January 1, 2024, small businesses across the United States are on the cusp of a significant regulatory shift. The implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting requirements is a new era...

Navigating Residential Real Estate: Why You Need an Attorney by Your Side
If you are buying or selling residential real estate in New York, it is extremely important that you work with an attorney to process all contracts, draft deeds and tax documents and represent you at the closing. While escrow agents may be used in New York, Washington...

New York Rules for Fundraising for an Individual
What are the laws and rules in New York State regulating fundraising for an individual? There are certain circumstances where one would need to file with the attorney general to fundraise for an individual. Next, there may be up to three secondary beneficiaries...

Hedgeman Law Firm Launches 2023-2024 Nonprofit Law Academy
ALBANY, N.Y. – Hedgeman Law Firm, a renowned woman-owned comprehensive law serving NewYork State and Washington D.C., today announced the launch of the 2023-2024 Nonprofit Law Academy(NLA) aimed at educating and building legal capacity for tax exempt...

Lobby Law Compliance for Your Nonprofit Organization
Lobbying is a valuable tool for nonprofits to influence public policy and advocate for causes that align with their mission. However, to maintain transparency, uphold your organization's reputation, and prevent potential legal issues, it's crucial to adhere to lobby...

A Guide to Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Commercial real estate transactions involve several critical steps, each contributing to the successful completion of the deal. These steps, namely Identification and Origination, Underwriting, Due Diligence, and Closing, require careful attention and proper...

Understanding The Limitations of Nonprofit Political Activity
As a nonprofit organization, engaging in political activities is a common and necessary practice. However, there are limitations that must be understood in order to avoid legal issues and penalties. In this article, we will explore the limitations of nonprofit...

Nonprofit Laws in Virginia
Organizations formed in Virginia to conduct business on a nonprofit or not-for-profit basis are usually formed as Virginia nonstock corporations. These corporations, which can, but are not required to, have members (i.e., a membership), do not have owners. When you...