2023-2024 Nonprofit Law Academy
There are 1.8 million active nonprofit organizations in the United States. Churches, schools, and foundations account for 40% of these. 1 Nonprofit boards have the legal responsibility to oversee billions of dollars of resources. Many directors do not feel that they receive enough training to effectively perform their roles as fiduciaries. Nonprofit staff have a hard time finding board members with the skills and capacity to serve.
Many organizations are struggling with internal capacity issues that keep them from fulfilling their missions. A large part of this is related to the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. In the US, research studies have shown that the skills, resources, and experience of directors are not enough to meet the needs of most nonprofit organizations.
One of the biggest mistakes nonprofits make is not investing in their staff, their board of directors or in strategic, professional guidance regarding law, compliance and risk assessment. Nonprofits fail to budget for these investments and wind up foregoing critical advisement on operations and governance to their detriment.
Training does not have to be cost prohibitive
Legal and compliance services, Nonprofit Board training, and General Counsel don’t have to cost-prohibitive.
The Nonprofit Law Academy helps nonprofit organizations increase their impact by strengthening their governance. We envision a sector where every nonprofit in the U.S. has the staff and the volunteer leadership it needs to realize its mission and to make a difference in the community.
We provide affordable, accessible and strategic education for Nonprofit Boards including, but not limited to Religious organizations, 501 (c) (3) public charities, Private Foundations, 501 (c)(6) Business Leagues/Membership Organizations; 501 (c)(4) non-profit organizations that promote social welfare, civic, or political causes (PACs); homeowners associations.